Her Honour Wendy Joseph KC and Crown Court Judge Nicola Williams

Unlawful Killings and 'Without Prejudice'

8 May
7:00 pm
Chalfont St Giles Parish Church


£ 13.00 GBP

Free Event - Ticket required

Her Honour Wendy Joseph KC: Unlawful Killings

Only at the Old Bailey is the murder trial the staple diet of a judge. Wendy Joseph has presided over many of the high-profile cases that all too often grab our attention in dramatic media headlines. But, unlike most of us, a judge doesn’t get to turn the page and move on. Nor does the defendant, or the family of the victim, nor the many other people who populate the court room. And yet, each of us has a vested interest in what happens there. And while most people have only the sketchiest idea of what happens inside a Crown Court, any one of us could end up in the witness-box or even in the dock.

Followed by:

Nicola Williams, author of the novel Without Prejudice which describes the experiences of being a black female lawyer in Britain is also an indictment of the legal system and privilege. Nicola Williams was listed as one of the 100 most influential Black people in the UK and won a Cosmopolitan magazine Woman of Achievement Award (Professions).

Followed by a discussion with Mark Webster
